Monday, May 6, 2013

Insect Demons--Ha!!--The Sorcerer Gaumata

The women were gone now, so I could begin the real work. The wind outside howled. I wondered how those women would survive the cold, but if they died, it would be all the better for me. Rustem would know that it was his fault. Oh how he would suffer! For now, I finally allowed him to sleep. In his mind, I would be making preparations. While his mind was weakened by sleep, I would lay the plans for the next day. I made him dream of xrafstars—roaches, lice, ants, blood sucking ticks, all monstrous and terrifying. The boy Mihr slept, but he was soon to know terror.
The light of dawn was just peaking out when Rustem’s voice croaked out.

“Mihr, move slowly,” Rustem rasped from under the hair that now covered his face. “Get the oil lamp and when I kneel, look into my hair and see if some insect is there.” He lowered himself with trembling knees while sweat beaded on his forehead and dripped in a rivulet from his temple.
Mihr obeyed, examining his father’s hair, which was now ruffled and unkempt, but he saw nothing. He noticed an unpleasant odor clinging to him. This was something that always emanated from a person I possessed. 
Rustem’s breath was catching. Mihr pushed aside some of the hair to look at his scalp. I forced Rustem to imagine a scuttling insect when he felt the slight brushing of his son’s fingers. He leapt up with a muffled squeal and suddenly began to cavort around the room in terror, while he raked through his hair with both hands, mewling in dread.
I observed how Mihr got into a corner and stood as still as he could until it was over. Now Rustem just stood in the center of the room, eyes darting about as his breath hiccupped. The boy crouched in his dark corner with his head on his knees until sleep finally overtook him again.
I’m sure he was awakened by Rustem’s squeal of terror. I had drawn Rustem outside, where I now showed him a vision of giant, red eyed, hairy spiders. He was unable to move, such was his fear. Suddenly, I made one of them plop down onto his head so that the bulging abdomen split, covering him with vile, yellow slime. Waving his arms frantically, teeth bared, and wide-eyed, he keened in terror. I watched from his eyes as his son backed away into the house, ashen with dread. Rustem beat his head and squealed again, hopping up and down.
“Get it off! Get it off!” he wailed again and again as I held my stomach and laughed until I’m sure my body wet itself as it hid in the tree where I had left it.

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